Monday, October 20, 2008

Baby Shower - Dallas

We had an early baby shower in Dallas in October, before my mother in law moved out of the country to Abu Dhabi! It was great, we got to visit with family and friends that we will be unable to see at Christmas, since I will be on travel restrictions. Thanks to everyone who came.

Friday, October 10, 2008

26 Weeks

26 Weeks

Well, I'm now 26 weeks along! Geez, where did the time go? I guess time flies when you're sick! I am so happy to report that, for the most part, my nausea is gone and so are my headaches. Occasionally, I'll wake up and feel a bit queesy, but that usually goes away in an hour or so. I have been feeling the baby move for about 6 weeks now. Just recently, in the last 2 weeks, have his movements become obvious and I can feel them with my hand. I'll call James over when I feel the baby move, I'll put his hand in the right spot, and then nothing. Ha ha, it is so funny, though I feel bad that he hasn't been able to feel him move as of yet. Sleeping has become difficult, so I finally ordered a maternity pillow, and it is magical!

Thanks for the reccomendation Diana!! I have to be careful though, as the dogs have taking a liking to it. I have to make sure and put the covers over it before it gets covered in dog hair.


Last weekend we decided to have a huge garage sale. It was a big success! We sold lots of furniture, and the typical stuff people seem to hold onto through the years. I learned something very interesting about garage sales that I didn't know before: When you advertise that your garage sale will begin at 8am, people will show up at 6:15am! Holy cow! I couldn't believe all the people we had showing up so early. We sold most of our furniture by 8:15am! We had to clean out our guest room, which will become the baby's room, because most of the baby furniture was also delivered on Saturday. It is so cute, and I am really happy with the furniture. A couple of pieces were missing, so I'll post pictures of the nursery when I have everything set up.

Loki helping me clean for the garage sale

Not much else going on around our household, besides what the vet thinks are Rocky's new allergies to his dog food. Poor thing has been scratching his face so much that he's drawn blood, and contorts his body when I scratch his toes for him. So we are trying a new protein source of dog food, one with Venison and Potatoes. He just loves it, but it apparantly takes up to 6 weeks to see if it is helping or not. He is on a steroid to help immediately with the scratching, and that has seemed to work, though side effects include drinking a lot of water, and unrinating a lot. I don't want to talk about what I had to clean off of my new bed this morning. . . . Since there was yeast around his toenails, causing the itching, I have to bathe just his feet, make him sit in the tub for 10 minutes, twice a week. Who says I don't already have kids?? Anyway, here are some picutres of my beloved kiddos.

Rocky & Loki


Rocky & Loki

Loki, Gabby (Mom's Dog) & Rocky

Us & Molly

