Monday, November 24, 2008

32 Weeks

32 Weeks
I can't believe I'm already 8 months! So many things are happening with the baby, it is truly a miraculous thing. He is constantly on the move, I think he might be in the UFC one day! James says it looks like there is an alien inside of me. . . . I think it is so cool to watch my stomach move up and down. We finally have all of our furniture set up in the nursery, but I feel like I want to rearrange it. So when we have everything where I like it, I'll take pictures.

Our second to last trip of the year was on the 20th, to see the mighty METALLICA in concert in Houston. It was awesome, of course, and the baby was rocking out the whole time! I got a lot of stares, but as you know, I haven't missed seeing them in concert in the last 12 years, and I wouldn't have missed them this time unless I was in labor!

This weekend will be our last out of town trip until the baby comes. We're heading up to Round Rock to see my sister and her family. We hope everyone is safe this coming weekend and has a Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Carrigan Thanksgiving - Reunion

It's been about 3 years not only since James and I got married, but since we've seen most of the Carrigan side of the family. It was decided to have an early Thanksgiving/Reunion in Round Top, and it was great to get to see everyone. We don't do it as often as we should, but it has been great visiting with our families and friends, as mush as we've been afforded to this year. We feel truly blessed to have those people in our lives.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Baby Shower - College Station

Thanks go out to my great friend Char, who threw me the greatest baby shower I have ever been too! It was a ladies brunch held at Martha's Bloomers in Navasota, and the food was amazing. The table decorations were so cute, and every centerpiece was a toy for the baby. Thanks to all the ladies who attended, you made my shower complete, and I had a wonderful time! Thanks for everything!

Me & Mom

Me & Char

My mom bought this 5 years ago!

A pee pee protector!